
Rigid Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Panels
Rigid Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Panels
Rigid Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Panels

The rising cost of fossil fuel and implications for energy saving have pushed the building industry towards use of thermal insulation. Rigid polyurethanes are the best available insulant with low Thermal Conductivity.

  • Panels are produced for roof and floor insulations as well as wall clads.

  • In production of cold stores and where application requires temperature maintenance, polyurethane panels find easy application.

  • In petrochemical and related industries polyisocyanurate panels with good fire properties and good service temperature (-190 to 100 deg C) find applications for tank insulation.

  • Rigid polyurethanes in the form of pipe sections cut from blocks with B2 and B3 standards (DIN 4102) also have applications in the oil and petrochemical industries.

  • Use of noiseless air conditioning ducts which by the virtue of good thermal characters of polyurethanes protect continuously the air supply at a given temperature with minimal loss is yet another growing application of urethane panels. 
